Alamosa Flowers: San Luis Valley, Colorado

Flower Detail

Achillea filipendulina

There are a number of tall yarrows. This just happens to be the one I have. It is easy to grow, produces great fresh or dried flowers. And, it doesn't reseeed or send out lots of shoots. It's the only yarrow I allow in my garden!


Yarrow, Tall yellow

Achillea filipendulina

Type: perennial   Zone: A1-A3, 1,2,3,4,5,6-all

Elevation (if known):

Color: yellow   Height: 5-6 ft

Ease of growth: easy

Bloom Time : Summer

Sun: yes   Part Shade: no   Shade: no

Water Needs: low

Native to:    CO/NM native? no

Deer Resistant: yes   Rabbit Resistant : no

Soil : Not Particular

Propagation: Divisions
